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‘Though I am a lighthouse
What caution can I be
When I rest upon rock
And you choose a life at sea?

‘Though I am a lighthouse
My fire even I do not power
For there is one who’s greater yet
He tends the fire within.

‘Though I stand on rock
Rough winds do sway my shell
The wind through fissures creeps
And howls its empty song.

‘Though dense air may mute its rays
Infinitely my beacon burns
Your journey, whether aimless or grounded,
My resolve does not waver.

‘Though you surveyed my construction
Even when my mortar did not hold
You left for sea to find your own
Leaving my walls to harden.

‘Though my counsel does extend
To perigee or apogee asylum
Strange vessels accost you--
You, while at sea do idle.

‘Though my earnest flame
Does blind you, wide-eyed bird,
Your security I cannot forsake nor
For your freedom, constancy abandon.

‘Though celestial guides eclipse
 My reach, sweet gull,
They advise by design--not desire
While I ache merely to keep you in sight.

 ‘Though I am a lighthouse
What caution can I be
When I rest upon rock
And you choose a life at sea?

Copyright © 2011. Carrie Ellen Campbell. All Rights Reserved. Please respect Carrie's intellectual property. Sharing blog posts is permitted, but no part of this material may be copied, downloaded, reproduced, or printed without express written consent. Contact Carrie at:


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